Weight gain from networking/socializing
Apart from festive feasting, many working individuals especially those in the sales line, have lots of networking or socializing on a...
难缠赘肉- 应酬肥
除了过年过节难免的大鱼大肉,许多人尤其业务人员,平时就有很多交际应酬。肥甘厚味加上酒,不知不觉体重也跟着上升。 这种应酬肥在中医的观点属于肝胆湿热型肥胖,可有以下特征: 腰腹部肥胖,例如啤酒肚,苹果型身材 头胀痛,偏头痛 眼红血丝多,脸部较红 晨起觉口苦...
5 Acupuncture points to stay away from digestive disorders
Amidst our CNY gatherings of eating, many may experience digestive discomforts such as indigestion and flatulence (abdominal bloating)....
新年期间,我们往往一餐接一餐,餐餐之间也随时有零食入嘴。嘴巴不停,肠胃也不停的在努力消化食物。大餐之后,你是否也感觉肠胃不适,胀气,消化不良等症状,平坦的肚子瞬间变大了呢? 不妨选以下几样食品加入饮食中,可以有效帮助你恢复平坦的腹部! 1.优格...